Home page of melomaniac.com

The problem

Invisible populations

Invisible populations face mental and societal barriers that prevent them from successfully integrating and surviving within a community.


experiencing homelessness*


disabling condition


chronic health condition


mental health


domestic violence

Reasons for homelessness

Chronically homeless
No bank account / No ID
Substance abuse
No family
Vulnerable to wage theft
Limited VA resources


Encouraging goals and tracking progress with incentives.
  • 1st shift completed award
  • AA meeting attended award
  • Above & beyond award
  • 40 hours worked award
  • Referral award
  • 1 month sober award
  • Full employment award

The solution

Token economy

The majority of homeless have access to a smart phone. This allows them to create a crypto wallet to store assets that cannot be converted into cash.
More buying potential than SNAP.
Enables users to create a work history.
Uses blockchain to prevent wage theft.
Engages users with the local community.